
Friday, February 22, 2013

Elgin Distilling Company

Based on Paul Cluver Wine Estate, the Elgin Distilling Company is a very good example of showcasing another strenght of the Elgin district, fruit produced by product, 2 spirits, an apple and a pears distillate / Eau de vie.

My favorite of the two is the Spirits of Elgin Pear Schnapps (91 points), which is comparable to the best Eau de Vie one may found in Alsace, Germany or Austria.

The apple distillate is classified as a spirit aperitif and is barrel aged (83 points) I believe it could do with more concentration as it appears quite light and evanescent in structure.

Both will however, depending on personal preferences be a good digestifs at the end of a meal, especially now the winter month are not far away, they will be the perfect night cap to keep the soul warm filled with sweet dreams! Get out there and buy a few cases. Great gifting.